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Source: Emma McIntyre / Getty

The internet is divided right now between Molly (#TeamMolly) and Issa (#TeamIssa), but most people are probably more #TeamIssa because Molly (Yvonne Orji) has been a straight up jerk this season — and possibly this entire time this show has been on air — but a lot of us just starting to see it right along with Issa.

But I digress because this is actually a Molly appreciation post.

Not only is Molly super stylish but she’s also a go-getter when it comes to her career and the bedroom. In last Sunday’s episode of Insecure, she went on a Mexico baecation with her boyfriend, Andrew, where she served lewks and unapologetically served ass.

Here’s a break down of the parts of Molly’s essence that we actually rock with.

Molly isn’t on a lot of our good sides right now but she is fly. Her pre-trip sweater with the over-the-knee MCM boots was fire!


Leave it to her to travel in all white and not mess it up. All white is a good look aesthetically, but again, you have to have some brass ovaries to fly for hours in all white and on top of that get into some freaky voyeur action with your man on the plane without getting dirty. That is a nod to Molly’s Type A perfectionist personality as well as costume designer Shiona Turini’s excellent eye for making these character’s come to life via their wardrobes. 


Of course Molly’s beach looks were just as stunning!



She brought the heat with her lingerie look too. The sex scenes on Insecure are usually either really awkward or really hot but Molly and Andrew have always been hot, especially in Mexico. And that moment when he told her that he loved when she took charge was on point. She stepped into her power as a sexual being, giving and receiving consensual pleasure, and owned every minute.

A dark-skinned black woman on TV feeling sexy and being desired. Issa Rae is brilliant with how she uses her platform to convey major nuanced messages in ways that are super smooth.

Finally, this is about Molly the character, not Yvonne Orji.

Yvonne Orji, the actress, is playing the hell out of this role!


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