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If we were handing out high school superlatives to stars, we might give Savannah James “Most Likely To Fight.” Because according to the blonde bombshell, fighting was something she frequently did in school.

But her “fighting” may not have been caused by the reasons most think. Savannah was known to be “nice” in her teenage years and sometimes fought for others.

Savannah and her partner in crime, April McDaniel, shared their unique perspectives on high school life on their podcast Everybody’s Crazy this week. The Akron native delved into her high school experiences after responding to a caller from New York.

Savannah James says she fought in school to “defend herself” and be an ally.

“I had to defend myself. I had a lot of that,” Savannah said, sitting on the studio couch in an oversized brown hoodie and jeans.

She continued, “I do feel like a lot of the fights that I had, it was me being just like an ally of my friends. I don’t feel like I fought a fight that was my fight. Because I was nice, I feel like I got along with a majority of everybody.”

The topic of high school reflection was just one of many Savannah and her best friend dove into during the newest 46-minute podcast episode. Since April 30, the call-in show has kept fans talking by providing exciting stories and personal insight from the Black girl magic pair.

It is important to note that Savannah ended her comments on fighting, saying she had fully put scuffles behind her. “We don’t fight no more; we call security,” she joked.

See the May 28 segment here.

Savannah addresses public perceptions of her ‘being quiet’ or ‘not allowed to talk.’

Learning more about Savannah’s high school past – when she infamously met NBA star LeBron James – is the opportunity some fans have been waiting for. The James Family is arguably our culture’s “basketball royals,” and the James dynasty only continues to grow.

But while many enjoy Everybody’s Crazy and Savannah’s contributions to the show, there have been doubters. Savannah had a message for them.

In the same interview, Savannah seemed to address some public scrutiny about her co-founding the new podcast. She appropriately described naysayers as “crazy.”

April starts the segment by discussing the power of sharing on social media, examining how some can abuse or misunderstand it. She then directs the conversation to her co-host.

“Even with somebody like you who remains so quiet, so like behind-the-scenes, as soon as you do something, it’s almost looked at as ‘oh you shouldn’t talk.’ Like, I think that’s crazy.”

Savannah agreed. The 37-year-old said, “I think it’s very crazy because we all know that social media is not real. And people put on social media what they want to put on social media. For that to be away that you perceive someone is crazy.”

April reinforced the podcast’s mission, “I feel like that’s why ‘Everybody’s Crazy’ is good because I feel like people get a taste of the real you instead of the perception people have built around you, which is inaccurate.”


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