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Source: Paras Griffin / Getty

From Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley to Jada Pinkett Smith, hair loss can happen to anyone.

This is a lesson that LHHATL’s Sierra Gates knows oh so well. The reality star took to the Internet to share her story of massive hair loss after getting steroid shots in her scalp to help to regrow her balding edges. See, she noticed that after wearing lace fronts her hairline began thinning, so shots were her solution.

READ ALSO: Rep. Ayanna Pressley Debuts Her Beautiful Bald Crown On Capitol Hill For The First Time

“About a year and a half ago, I stopped wearing frontals because it was breaking my hair off,” she says in the video clip. “It was growing back and it was getting good. I ended up getting steroid shots in my head because everybody was like, ‘it will boost up the process and help you get your edges back.’”

But instead of seeing hair sprout up, it fell out, even worse than before due to an allergic reaction.

“I got the steroid shots and had an allergic reaction,” she says. “I woke up one morning and it was completely bald.”

Now, waiting two months, her dermatologist told her to wait up to three months to see any improvement, but that hasn’t been the case.

“It’s still completely bald. No hair whatsoever,” she says, adding that she is looking into getting hair implants, which can come with a hefty price.

“I really want my hair to grow back. I love my weave, but I just miss my natural hair. I just feel like I’m so beautiful just throwing my hair into a ponytail and going without any weave in it.”

Take a look:

That’s gotta be pretty traumatizing. Good luck Sierra on your hair growth journey.

BEAUTIES: What have you done to regrow your edges?


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