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Dr Wendy Goodall McDonald Women making history

Source: Courtesy of Dr. Wendy Goodall McDonald

It’s only fitting we conclude our Women Making History series with the dynamic Dr. Wendy Goodall McDonald. Born and raised on the Southside of Chicago, the Xavier University alum has taken on the monumental task of helping women fully understand and embrace the intricacies of our bodies. She skillfully fuses humor with information regarding female anatomy, making learning the functions of our body parts fun and informative.

During a time when women’s reproductive rights are at stake, and Black maternal mortality rates are alarming, having an OB-GYN dedicated to helping women advocate for their health is a gem. “I am most proud of being able to share health information with anyone who has questions about their body,” the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine graduate told HelloBeautiful in an exclusive interview. “I decided I wanted to be an OBGYN as a child. One of my best friend’s mothers was an amazing, beautiful, and talented Black OBGYN, Dr. Lewanzer Lassiter. When I came to understand her career and how she could help me understand my own body, I wanted to be able to do that for others. Here I am today doing just that.”

Dr Wendy Goodall McDonald Women making history

Source: Courtesy of Dr. Wendy Goodall McDonald

Dr. Wendy Goodall McDonald Fuses Humor and Health

If you’ve never witnessed singing sperm or a talking uterus, we implore you to explore Dr. McDonald’s Instagram page for relatable, hilarious, and enlightening content. She aims to educate and uplift the culture through her entertaining videos, which provide insight into pap smears, abdominal bleeding, fibroids, preeclampsia, and more.

Dr. McDonald is the epitome of her Instagram moniker, Dr. Every Woman, as she wears a variety of hats and innovatively takes up space in the OBGYN realm. She is a wife, mother of three, and a published author, to name a few of her titles. “I have multiple children’s books and one adult book entitled It Smells Just Like Popcorn, stated the multi-hyphenate. “I am in pursuit of becoming a traditionally published author. I have self-published all of my previous books. I would love to have a traditional publisher back one of my projects.”

Dr Wendy Goodall McDonald Women making history

Source: Courtesy of Dr. Wendy Goodall McDonald

For centuries, Black women have been known to juggle a plethora of responsibilities under the guise of a mythical superwoman who can do it all without help. Dr. McDonald does not subscribe to this debilitating notion. Instead, she accepts help from her village, which has played an integral role in her life during her medical school journey and career. “It has been difficult navigating raising a family and working in a demanding field. Being an OBGYN comes with late nights, unpredictable hours, and high stress at times,” the M.D. expressed. “I’m grateful to have had a combination of parental help and support as well as friends that have helped me make sure everyone in my family is picked up, fed, and safe.”

I am enough, and that is enough.

Dr. McDonald is a praying woman who relies heavily on her faith to get her through her career and life challenges. She doesn’t consider herself a powerful being but instead “blessed” and not deterred by any obstacle that comes her way. “I am a blessed woman, strengthened by God and my community. I’m not afraid of anything, but I know that is because God is with me in everything I do,” the mother explained.

Dr. Wendy Goodall McDonald Paves the Way for the Youth

Dr. McDonald is persistent with her quest to keep the culture abreast of health information and be a role model for those coming behind her. “I want to continue to represent what little Black girls and boys can desire to be in this world, both as a health professional and as someone with a deep and accurate understanding of my body,” she voiced. 

When asked what advice she would give her younger self, she said she would tell little Wendy she lacks nothing. “For so long, I sought approval and validation from those around me. Now I know that as long as my heart is in the right place, it’s okay if everyone doesn’t like me or if I don’t meet everyone’s expectations. I am enough, and that is enough.”

Be on the lookout for a podcast and underwear line from Dr. McDonald. In the meantime, follow her journey on social media or her website at


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