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Bebe White Woman Ranting In Trader Joe's About Face Masks

Source: Getty/YouTube Screenshot / Getty/YouTube Screenshot

Unless you have been living under a rock, you definitely saw the viral video of a crazed Karen losing her mind at a North Hollywood Trader Joe’s because she didn’t want to wear a face mask.

Thankfully, a customer whipped out their phone to capture this tirade of all tirade. In the video, you can see that the woman was irate that the grocery store and the city of LA’s policy during the coronavirus pandemic requires that all shoppers wear face coverings as a means of protecting the health of others. According to KABC, the woman starting acting like a plum fool when a TJ employee asked her why she wasn’t wearing a mask.

“I have a breathing problem!” the unidentified white woman yelled in the video. (Meanwhile, a witness who stood in line near this woman, claims he saw her wait outside in line for an hour wearing a mask the entire time)

And yet, somehow, she has been bamboozled into believing that wearing face masks is somehow tied to a political party.

“You think this okay?! “You f***ing b****! Democratic pigs! All of you!”

(Peep how she had nothing in her basket)

Meanwhile, the fashionistas of the world noticed her outdated bedazzled Bebe shirt and had questions and some regret for having owned that same shirt.


Soon after, #Bebe started trending on Twitter (for all the wrong reasons), which prompted the clothing company to stress that they don’t know that woman and that they don’t condone that type of behavior.

bebe believes in masks, and stands by the workers and shoppers at Trader Joe’s… everywhere. #besmart #besafe #bewell,” they wrote on Twitter on Saturday. 

In addition, they will also donate 100 masks to the North Hollywood location.

Listen, face masks protect and save lives, y’all. I just don’t understand why these people, mostly white, are so triggered by being told what to do, but for folks who believe that “All Lives Matter,” why can’t they start with their own?


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