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Celebrities took a lot less time expressing their feelings on the Ferguson grand jury’s decision than it took to announce it.

Not only were authorities 10 minutes late in announcing the decision that everyone has eagerly been awaiting, it took one rep well over 20 minutes to just state what conclusion the panel had come to: no indictment.

Moments after the long, defensive speech explaining why the grand jury in Darren Wilson‘s case has chosen not to indict the officer in Michael Brown’s shooting death, celebs began to have their say. Jesse Williams of “Grey’s Anatomy” was among the first stars on social media to speak out on the situation. After reminding his followers earlier in the evening that an indictment would simply have determined whether this matter was worth looking into, he was flabbergasted at how officials defended the decision not to formally press charges.

Put simply, Jesse was absolutely disgusted with the justice system in Ferguson. He further communicated his feelings (general contempt and disappointment) on the gross injustice via Instagram in a satirical post. We are accountable for nothing. We will change nothing. We have always done this,” he wrote. “Thank you for contorting yourselves, no matter the decade, in defense of our barbarism. We are disgusting. #Ferguson.”

MUST READ: BREAKING NEWS: Darren Wilson Will Not Face Charges For Murdering Michael Brown

Where Jesse was more outraged by the decision, Taraji P. Henson simply could not be believe that officials believed anything they were saying.

Ultimately Taraji was just weary from the weight of the weight of the decision and what that means in terms of closure for Michael’s family and justice for the victim himself.

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Meanwhile R&B crooner Trey Songz felt completely lost on how the Ferguson grand jury let someone get away with killing an unarmed teen.

Chef Roble, on the other hand, had some very clear feelings on the grand jury’s decision and how it was handled. He even took a shot at President Barack Obama in his outrage over this miscarriage of justice for Michael.

So disappointed. No justice Obama’s speech was worthless. What a terrible day.

Une photo publiée par L.L. Cool Blé (@chefroble) le Nov. 11, 2014 at 7:44 PST

Roble was so furious with how this played out that he was nearly ready to riot in his own home. But he withdrew from the reports before he busted up his own stuff.

I’m turning the tv off now before I throw a bottle of beer through it.

A photo posted by L.L. Cool Blé (@chefroble) on Nov 11, 2014 at 8:00pm PST

And, finally, he only had one word for Darren.


Une photo publiée par L.L. Cool Blé (@chefroble) le Nov. 11, 2014 at 8:23 PST

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Scroll down for more celebrity reactions.

All lives matter.

A photo posted by DAWN / NEON (@dawnrichard) on Nov 11, 2014 at 7:38pm PST


A photo posted by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on Nov 11, 2014 at 6:55pm PST

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