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Dawn Richard of Danity Kane and Dirty Money fame has been posting up a lot of selfies (although not more than usual) on Instagram and I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something changed. As I cruised through Dawn’s Instagram, I noticed that in a lot of her latest photos, her nose looked different, causing her entire face to look brand new. I immediately texted my friends, asking them if they noticed the difference too and they confirmed that Dawn looked different, but couldn’t call what the change was.

From this photo posted on Sister2Sister, it seems the culprit is photoshop and amazing makeup. However, I’m still a bit unconvinced. Also–are celebrities not in control of their own images? Do they not approve the final products because this photo looks NOTHING like Dawn and if it were me, I’d want to look like myself in my own photos.

There are obvious cookie-cutter standards that Hollywood appreciates and there are so many young women that step into the spotlight and try their best to fit into thees constraints. I can’t state as a fact that this is what Dawn’s doing; I don’t even know if she’s gone under the knife, but what I do know is Dawn’s image has been altered. She’s always been a perfectly lovely girl, but the latest image of her is different, yet still beautiful.

Must Read: 2 Chicks Play ‘Marry, Smash Or Friend’ With Dawn Richard: ‘I’d Smash The Hell Out Of Chris [Brown]‘

According to SheSoMajor, Dawn shut down the critics by saying:

“Dear all commentators, when or if I get a nose job, I shall let you know. a Bish is never scared to let yo know. Til then enjoy the pic or don’t. Like the makeup or don’t kiss my ass or don’t either way is fine.”

I reached out to Dawn and her rep and there was “no comment.” Well, so it’s up for us to enjoy Dawn’s pics or don’t. I’ll continue to enjoy the pics, but I will question why she looks so different these days.

I know makeup artists can work wonders on the face or “beat that face to capacity,” as Tamar Braxton would say, but Dawn’s photos have her face looking as if something surgical was done.

Black women and plastic surgery is a taboo topic. You have some Black women like Wendy Williams who are unashamed and unafraid to tell the world they’ve had work done, but then you have people on the opposite end of the spectrum who look completely opposite of what they were born like and deny it until they’re blue in the face.

I love Dawn so much, because despite her stardom being played out on TV for the world to see, she’s just a regular chick. She laughs, she loves, she fantasizes about celebrities, just like me and you, but if she’s made a clean dash for the knife, I second guess her around-the-way-girl ways and I think she’s headed for the fake and phony world of Hollywood.

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More On Dawn Richard:

Dawn Richard On Diddy: ‘He Was OCD, But In Love With My Work Ethic’ [VIDEO]

The 5 Star Treatment With Dawn Richard: ‘I Don’t Need Anybody”

Check out this gallery of Dawn Richard over the years!

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