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One decision can change the course of someone’s life forever. That’s a sentiment that is hitting very close to home for the Sacramento man that placed the 911 call that led to the sad and unfortunate death of young Stephon Clark.

In a report for the New York Daily News, Sacramento resident Dave Reiling voiced his enormous regret by placing the initial call to authorities which caused the spiral that ultimately led to the death of 23-year-old Stephon Clark back in March.

Via NY Daily News:

A heartbroken Sacramento man says he’ll think twice before calling 911 again, knowing his action put the fatal police shooting of Stephon Clark into motion. The caller, Dave Reiling, said he found a man bashing in his truck windows on March 18, the Sacramento Bee reported Monday. Reiling, who knows Clark’s family, couldn’t see who the culprit in the hoodie was.

He chased the vandal down the street with a baseball bat and called cops after losing him in a neighbor’s yard. Cops in the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department helicopter urged him to go inside and he did. Soon after, he heard the 20 rounds fired by two unidentified Sacramento Police Department officers that sparked days of protests in the California capitol.

Clark was shot repeatedly from behind in his grandmother’s backyard while holding a cell phone, not a gun as initially believed by law enforcement. “It makes me never want to call 911 again,” Reiling told the paper. “They shot an innocent person.” 

There are always actions and decisions we wish we could take back, however few of those decisions lead to the death of a young man that had his whole life in front of him—a life that was cut short due to the continuous view that police have of black lives.


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