If you're not a true member of the 4-eye crew but want to jazz up your ensemble with non-prescription glasses, we've got you covered.
Smart is sexy. Give ’em the eye with these fabulous and funky statement glasses.
If you wear eyeglasses, have you ever had a difficult time choosing the right makeup to compliment your pretty peepers? Here are some specific eye make-up how-to’s depend on your prescription courtesy of bellasugar.com: If you’re nearsighted, your eyes may seem smaller behind glasses; lining your top and lower lids is a surefire way to […]
[From Daily Mail] Playing outdoors dramatically cuts a child’s risk of becoming short-sighted, research shows. Just two or three hours of fun in the fresh air each day halves the odds of the common condition, studies have found. The finding challenges the widespread belief that short-sightedness, in which distant objects appear blurred, is caused by […]