Source: Igor Alecsander / Getty
Self-care is a form of activism for Black Women. It is our way of fighting against the perceptions that depict us as the “workhorses” of the world. For centuries, Black women have fallen victim to the social construct of putting everything and everyone before us. This debilitating notion has and still is destroying some of us physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.
While the physical aspect of self-care is important (spa days, hair, nails, etc.), it goes beyond that. Self-care encompasses one’s entire existence, and the physical means nothing if the internal is not nourished. Of course, physical self-care regimens are crucial for Black women, but radical self-care enables us to break generational concepts that do not serve us nor encourage self-love.
Radical self-care for Black women unapologetically sets boundaries and prioritizes our mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health. Doing so replenishes us, adds to our dynamism, and uplifts those in our circles.
Below are five life-changing self-care tips for Black Women that will nourish us internally and promote self-love.
5 Life-Changing Self-Care Tips for Black Women

Source: Vladimir Vladimirov / Getty
Let Go
Control only what can be controlled. Say “f&%^ it” to at least one burden. Release it and trust that it will work itself out. Some Black women try to figure out every mishap, thus falling victim to the “superhuman” perception the world has of us. While we are bad a$$es and full of magic, we can’t fix every unfortunate situation. We can only do what we can, tap into our faith system, and trust that everything will be okay.
Say No
Saying no can be challenging, especially for Black women who are used to saying yes to everyone but themselves, but it’s a grand act of self-love that we must practice. Saying yes to things we would rather say no to breeds internal resentment, which isn’t suitable for our nervous systems. If what you are being asked to do has nothing to do with showing yourself love, doesn’t honor your boundaries, or goes against your desires, do yourself a favor and nix it.
Stop People Pleasing
Nina Simone once said, “You use up everything you’ve got trying to give everybody what they want.” Trying to please everyone is an energy-taker. Therefore, let’s work towards making ourselves happy and let others tend to their own happiness. It’s humanly impossible to please everyone, so we may as well please ourselves.
Let’s release the need to be busy in 2024, take more naps, and incorporate lazy days into our schedules. Our bodies are not machines and must be treated with the utmost care in order to keep working in our favor. In addition, rest is a spiritual act that refreshes the body and mind, boosting energy and enhancing creativity.
Let’s not shy away from asking for help. We can only do some things, but we can delegate many things. Asking for help shows strength and allows us to give our undivided attention to our loved ones and other tasks.
Black women, in 2024, let’s challenge the narrative that our well-being is secondary. Here’s to filling our cups and only sharing the overflow. Cheers!
Click here for more information on self-care for Black women.
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