On August 22, Vice President Kamala Harris officially accepted the Democratic nomination for President of the United States in a navy blue suit, marking a moment that will undoubtedly go down in history. With the acceptance, Harris is the first Black woman to secure a major party’s nomination for the highest office in the land, making the occasion as significant (and stylish) as it was groundbreaking.


Life, liberty, and the pursuit of style. Discover the real reason Hillary Clinton wore white on the final night of the convention.

Fashion Fix

In my mind Michelle Obama and I are homegirls. We go shopping every Sunday afternoon–usually after brunch, and then we walk it off by traversing leisurely through our favorite department stores, before hitting a few boutiques for those unique pieces. Yep, she’s my shopping BFF. MUST READ: 8 Notable Quotables From Michelle Obama’s DNC Speech […]