Women In The World

#TeamBeautiful remembers the the phenomenal women who paved the way for us to enjoy the lives we have today.

Culture, Most Recent, ThinkBeautiful, Women In The World

19-year-old aspiring model, Gabriella Montgomery shook the social media world when she decided to share horrific and graphic photos of herself after surviving a violent attack from her ex-boyfriend. She shared a part of her story on Instagram: This night be a little graphic but I just want to let everyone know that I am […]

Entertainment, HelloBuzz, Most Recent, ThinkBeautiful, Women In The World

Glamour’s Women Of The Year Awards took place earlier this week and Lada Gaga was among the 12 women honored (along with Kerry Washington, Malala Yousafzai, Gabby Giffords, Christy Turlington Burns and Melinda Gates). In Gaga’s epic acceptance speech, she said, “If I could forfeit my Glamour cover, I would give it to Malala.” Malala […]

Women In The World

This commercial may seem like a simple Indian wedding and will certainly warm your heart, but it’s more than that. An a non-Indian, I will admit that I didn’t understand the subtle progressive cues it displayed. But once the conversation sparked on social media about the imagery, I knew that there was something bigger in […]


The Nigerian Senate has recently decided that young girls who are actually developed, even if they’re under 10, can be married as long as their parents and potential husbands are fine with the child being married. It’s being reported that Nigeria’s upper chamber had reached a resolution to alter Section 29 (a) of the proposed […]

Women In The World

You know what happens when a woman’s scorned! Clothes are burned, wigs are snatched and bruises are created. We’ve gathered up some of the best of women scorned caught on camera. From Beyonce’s snap in “Obsessed” to the infamous woman who took on a whole gang of men with a table, we know that when […]

At least 100 women have been sexually assaulted in some way during protests in Cairo, Egypt’s Tahir Square, Jezebel reports. Human Rights Watch has found that during the protests of Egyptian Islamist president Mohamed Morsi, over the course of the last week, women have been under assault by large groups of men whose motives are […]

Once utilized by middle schools and high schools as a means to introduce students to numerous career choices, job shadowing is increasingly becoming popular with adults and professionals looking to make a change in their careers. Job Shadowing is a form of career exploration where one party follows another party during work hours to become […]


Chelsea Ramer is a graduating senior at Escambia Academy High School in Atmore, Alabama and just like a million other graduating teens, Ramer decorated her cap to show personal pizzazz. Instead of the traditional globs of glitter and the ever-used, “Hi Mom!” she decided to use an eagle feather that represents her Native American Poarch […]

Women In The World

Nao Nagasawa is a Japanese movie star who, for lack of a better phrase, kicks ass. According to Kotaku, “Nagasawa is especially good at pulling off the kicks and attacks. She’s appeared in “Super Sentai (Power Rangers)” and “Kamen Rider” shows since 2002, so no doubt, she’s had her share of martial arts training.” Must […]