Source: Boston Globe / Getty
This week, Rep. Ayanna Pressley did an incredibly brave thing–she revealed to the world her battle with alopecia.
In an exclusive video for The Root, the freshman Democrat told the world that she has alopecia and showed off her beautiful bald head.
“In the fall, when I was getting my hair retwisted, is the first time that I was made aware that I had some patches,” Pressley said. “From there, it accelerated very quickly and got to the point where she was “ waking up every morning to sinkfuls of hair.”
“Every night I was employing all the tools that I had been schooled and trained in throughout my life as a Black woman because I thought that I could stop this. I wrapped my hair. I wore a bonnet. I slept on a silk pillowcase,” she added.
“And yet and still every morning, which I faced with dread, I did not want to go to sleep because I did not want the morning to come where I would remove this bonnet and my wrap and be met with more hair in the sink and an image in the mirror of a person who increasingly felt like a stranger to me,” she continued.
As I wrote earlier, I am awe of Pressley and am inspired by her courage.
But it’s important to point out that Rep. Pressley is not alone in this fight. It’s estimated that 40 percent of women over the age of 40 suffer from hair loss.
Here are five facts that every Black woman needs to know:
1.) Alopecia Areata Is An Autoimmune Disorder
One form of alopecia is alopecia areata is classified as an autoimmune disorder that attacks the hair follicles. This causes one’s hair to come out, often in clumps the size and shape of a quarter, Web MD reported. Folks with this disorder can have hair that falls out in patches or they can lose a lot of hair.
Alopecia areata is occasionally associated with other autoimmune conditions such as thyroid disease, vitiligo, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and ulcerative colitis, MedicineNet.com noted.
It’s unknown if this is the type of alopecia that Jada has. CNN noted that the tests she took have yet to uncover a medical explanation for her hair loss. However, some of her friends believe her condition is due to stress.
2.) Traction Alopecia Is More Common Among Black Women
Traction Alopecia is the most common form of alopecia that affects Black women. This type of hair loss is a result of the tension from our styles such as weaves, braids, extensions, and wigs. It happens when the follicle is inflamed from the hair being pulled too tight for too long.
This hair loss can occur anywhere on the scalp, but we see it a lot on a woman’s hairline, the kitchen and from the front to behind our ears.
One important thing to keep in mind: Traction alopecia doesn’t happen overnight either. As the New York Times pointed out, it comes in stages starting with pain and little bumps around the follicles, gradual thinning and then scarring causing permanent hair loss in that area.
Growing your hair back isn’t going to happen overnight either.
Allure noted that it can take 3-9 months to see any progress with treatment, which can include steroid shots, follicle serums, vitamins and growth cremes like Rogaine. So just be patient.
3.) Loosen Up Those Braids, Weaves And Relaxers
In some cases, alopecia can be genetic, but for many Black women, traction caused by how we style our hair seems to be a huge cause. So one way to prevent and/or alleviate hair loss can include the following:
- Making sure your braids are so tight, especially around the hairline. Don’t be afraid to let the braider know that you’re uncomfortable
- If you can, stretch out your relaxers a bit or relax the areas where there is hair loss, less often than the rest of your scalp.
- Keep in mind that your protective style, may not be protecting your hair. So pay attention.
- Work with your stylist on a hairdo that won’t make your hair loss worse.
4.) Don’t Forget About Folliculitis Induced Alopecia
This type of alopecia occurs when bacteria seeps down into the scalp, causing inflammation of the hair follicles. According to Live Strong, there are different forms of folliculitis, including non-infectious and infectious. It’s believed that non-infectious forms are caused by greases and oils that are applied to the scalp and clog the hair follicles.
Treatment can include antibiotics and topical creams.
5.) Early Detection Is Best, So Go To The Dermatologist
As stated before, once the follicle is scarred, the damage IS NOT reversible, so please make an appointment with a dermatologist or doctor as soon as you can. From there, they will diagnosis you with what type of alopecia you have, what’s the best course of treatment and if it’s possible to reverse any hair loss you’ve already suffered.
Remember, you don’t have to suffer in silence. Just be as proactive as you can.
Rep. Ayanna Pressley Reveals She Has Alopecia, Bravely Reveals Her Bald Head For The First Time
Jada Pinkett-Smith Opens Up About The Struggles Of Losing Her Hair
This Self-Taught Stylist Makes Realistic Wigs For Children With Alopecia