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Pull out the barbecue grills, season the meat, arrange a pre-tasting for the potato salad with the auntie coalition (a potato salad pre-tasting is a sure way to minimize any confusion at the gathering), and get the two-step playlist together because Juneteenth is upon us, and it is time to celebrate.    

Just in case you need a quick refresher course on history, June 19, 1865 marked the ending of slavery in the United States – particularly in the southern region.  On this day, federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas to announce that all slaves were free.  This announcement came two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed.   

Juneteenth not only celebrates African American freedom, it also highlights our achievements.  While the holiday is typically commemorated with family gatherings, cookouts, festivals, and community events/programs, let’s encourage our community to not only celebrate the past, but to also contribute to the future by supporting those in our culture who are striving for financial freedom – Black-owned businesses.    

So before you head out to the Juneteenth celebration of your choice, make your ancestors proud by checking out these 10 Black-owned businesses you can support in honor of Juneteenth. 

1. Goddess Beauty Skincare

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Our ancestors blessed us with gorgeous melanin so why not give thanks by taking care of it?  Goddess Beauty Skincare has the natural products you need to keep your skin looking amazing and healthy.  The ingredients in the products are organic, and a lot of the customers have reported changes in their skin’s appearance in less than two weeks!  If your skin is sensitive or you suffer from an annoying skin condition, check this Goddess Beauty Skincare out asap!

2. Elizabeth Artis Candles

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Nothing says relaxation better than a sweet, calming aroma.  Elizabeth Artis offers premium soy and coconut wax, hand-poured candles that will surely set a vibe in your home or work space.  Choose from over 15 alluring scents that are light yet potent enough to an entire room.  Whether you’re participating in a self-care ritual, entertaining guests, or setting a mood for a lover, Elizabeth Artis has the scent you need.       

3. Elisa Johnson

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Blocking the sun from your eyes is essential; especially when you do it in style.  And all the sunglasses in Elisa Johnson’s collection scream style.  Magic Johnson’s daughter, Elisa Johnson, has been known for her one-of-a-kind daring ensembles and her chic swag.  So when she decided to take her fashion sense coupled with her fashion degree to the design room, her fans couldn’t wait.  Elisa emerged with the most fly sunglasses and if you’re in the market for a new pair, look no further than her collection –  Elisa Johnson.  She has an assortment of styles to fit any personality, and the glasses are definitely high quality.  Prices range from $135-$150.  

4. The Black Yoga Bae

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Do something for your mind, body, and spirit.  Participate in a virtual yoga class that includes a fusion of yoga practices.  Do a backward bend to some soothing jazz, perfect your camel pose to some R&B music, or meditate while sound bowls chime in the background.  Either way, this class is the perfect ending to a long day.  Click here for more information on how to sign up.

5. Audacious Culture

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This alluring shop provides you with everything divine and feminine.  From artistic robes that hold the faces and essence of  iconic Black women to gold statement jewelry and a book that connects you to your ancestors through poems, prayers, art, prompts, and instructions – this shop is an enlightened girl’s dream.  Every item has a deeper meaning behind it and that is what makes this shop so special.  

6. Elle Vie Body Butter

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Elle Vie is kicking ASH and taking names! Yes there are tons of shops who offer shea butter, but have you ever tried shea butter that literally melts on your skin as soon as you apply it?  I’m not sure what Elle Vie puts in her body butter, but they have the scent of heaven and the feel of silk.  Elle Vie goes beyond shea body butters and offers shea body oils, gels, scrubs, and even shea sticks!  No wonder this skin shop has over 900 five star reviews!  And yes men, she has something for you as well.  

7. Black Girl Magic Wines

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Of course black women make wine!  Black Girl Magic Wines was created by sisters Robin McBride and Andrea McBride-John.  Their selection includes chardonnay, sparkling rosé , and a red blend.  Inspirational labels like “Yes She Can” and “Black Girl Magic” make sipping this wine that much more special.  Order a few bottles of this wine for your next girl’s event to add to the black excellence ambiance.  

8. True Tea Shop

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This tea shop has an array of herbal teas for the avid tea drinker to choose from.  Hibiscus, Jasmine, and Soursop Leaf tea are just a few of the flavors this shop has to offer.  All tea leaves are blended by hand, and each blend offers organic properties that aid in health and wellness.  Start your healthy journey with a warm cup of herbal tea by clicking here.  

9. Be Rooted Co.

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How often do you see stationery with drawings that resemble our culture?  Jasmin Foster worked in the retail industry as a buyer and hardly ever witnessed this so she decided to change it.  She wanted young Black girls and women to write in journals that included faces we could relate to on them so she started Be Rooted Co.  If you’re in the market for a fly journal with a little bit of spunk, check out Be Rooted Co.  You won’t be able to pick just one.

10. Buy Weed From Women

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Support women in all our endeavors.  Marijuana is notoriously known to be a man’s hustle; however, women know a thing or two about the industry as well.  This brand encourages people to open their minds when it comes to purchasing the recreational (or medicinal) drug, and help women become pioneers in this lucrative business as well as men.  Each available merchandise simply states, “Buy Weed From Women“.  Even if don’t partake in the activity, sporting the merchandise is a cool and stylish way to promote economic equality.  

Melanin Beauty Awards | iOne National Sales, Urban One | 2024-11-30

Celebrating Your Favorite
Black-Owned Brands & Products!